3D scanned & printed holiday gift

3D printed miniature necklace stands for a doll diorama - made for a holiday gift for a friend

3D printed miniature necklace stands for a holiday gift

Like previous years, I’m writing this before Xmas, and will publish it afterwards to save the surprise… though anyone who checks out my Instagram profile might have had a bit of a sneak preview…

One of my friends collects dolls, and makes little dioramas of her dolls. She purchased a miniature necklace display stand online, and after the LONG shipping time because of the Canadian Postal Union strike, she got it, loved it, and wanted MORE for a little jewellery shop diorama. Continue reading

2019 Historical Sew Monthly challenges

hand-sewing the folded grey wool exterior to the pink linen interior of the collapsible truncated hennin hat.

collapsible truncated hennin hat.

The challenges for the 2019 Historical Sew Monthly have been announced! I am excited to read about it but… also feel rather unsure about my participation, since in 2018 I didn’t get to many of the challenges at all. I made lots of things in 2018… (like the collapsible and packable truncated hennin to the left)  just not a lot that worked with the challenges at the timeframe of the challenges…

Still, each year I do a post with what I’m thinking of and what I’d like to do… so this year is no different. Perhaps it will help inspire me!  Continue reading

A few recent SCA workshops

Leather ornament made at Borealis Yule 2018

Leather ornament made at Borealis Yule 2018

If you’ve seen my Instagram feed, you’ve already seen some of the results of some of the recent workshops I took through the SCA group I’m a part of.

For one of the November Fight Practices, the current Queen, Kora Kendal came down and taught a preview of her workshop on how to make a 14th century sleeveless chemise. This was based on her research for a project she did to compete in Kingdom A&S a few years ago.

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