Samhain in Montengarde (Calgary)

Samhain 2015 naalbinding display

Samhain 2015 naalbinding display

If you’re in Calgary, and are interested in the SCA, please come on out to Samhain on November 5, 2016!

I’m assisting to host this event (autocrat) along with two other lovely ladies, and hope that a lot of people can join us!

The Facebook event is here:

and you can get even more information (and perhaps easier than scrolling through the wall) on our website here:

For this event, I will also be hosting an Apprentices Tournament and a Heraldry & Scribal display in my role as the A&S champion of Montengarde. There will also be a TUA class the following day.


Historical Sew Monthly search

So.. I’m amused. I did a search for the Historical Sew Monthly on Google the other day, and saw that a bunch of the images in the regular search… are mine!

I took a look at the Image Search… and there are even more!

Screenshot of Google's Image Search for Historical Sew Monthly

Screenshot of Google’s Image Search for Historical Sew Monthly

Do any of the photos look familiar to you?

The top line includes my Ottoman outfit (hot pink), my Byzantine outfit (the blue, red, and gold), linen and other Viking age hoods (green, blue, black), & another shot of my Ottoman outfit (pink and orange).

The last image in the second line is my German hat too…

Is this just MY view (sneaky Google) or does everyone see this?

Elizabeth Woodville portrait dress (part 3)

Dress with the cuffs, collar, and a little matching pouch

Dress with the cuffs, collar, hat, and a little matching pouch

In an earlier post I showed off the simple black dress I made for (Kadie/Sicillia). The dress is fine as-is, but in order to make it more like the portrait she wished to emulate, I needed the cuffs and collar as well… Continue reading

Elizabeth Woodville portrait dress (part 2)

Me wearing the finished dress. I'm a bit bustier than the person it's intended for, and I'm not wearing a shift under the dress

Me wearing the finished dress. I’m a bit bustier than the person it’s intended for, and I’m not wearing a shift under the dress

In an earlier post I showed off the initial ‘muslin’ or mock-up dress I made for a friend-of-a-friend. (Kadie/Sicillia) I made the mock up in a synthetic fabric which looks and feels a lot like smooth wool suiting, but once the muslin fit well, it was time to make the dress up in the final fabric – a black wool suiting with red brocade.

Direct link from Pinterest. Click for original, or the original source here.

As a reminder, above is the portrait we’re referencing for this costume… a portrait of Elizabeth Woodville.

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Craft Swap – Inspired by Nature

Completed sachets with more little bags waiting to be filled.

Completed sachets with more little bags waiting to be filled.

In my recent post “I’m naming all the stars” I mentioned that I’ve joined a craft swap. For September, the theme was “Inspired by Nature” and I swapped with my partner in early October. Now that the surprise won’t be ruined… I can share it here too!

For my craft, I went to my garden (the closest to nature I’m going to get) and harvested some of my hops and lavender. Both are said to have calming scents which can help with good sleep, so these sachets are meant to be beside or pillow-side so the scent can influence for rest.

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