Throwback Thursday – Viking Knit – my first time using silver

The silver wire chain, once through the smallest drawplate hole, is small enough for a Pandora-style glass bead!

The silver wire chain, once through the smallest drawplate hole, is small enough for a Pandora-style glass bead!

This is another post that I started ages ago, saved as a draft… but forgot to post!

After feeling a lot more comfortable with Viking Knit (Trichinopoly) after a few successful projects in stainless steel and copper wire, I decided to buy some silver wire. (Almost twice the price.)

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A cage without a bird

Little glittery bird inside a handmade rustic wire birdcage

Little glittery bird inside a handmade rustic wire birdcage

What is it that fascinates me about bird cages?  I don’t mean actual bird cages, but rather the iconography of them; the metaphor.  I don’t even love birds.  (I like birds well enough, but I’m a dog-as-a-pet-person, not a bird-as-a-pet-person… ifyaknowwhatImean.)

Open birdcage with soaps…

When decorating my bathroom, I selected bird cages to decorate with.  There are mini bird cages holding soaps, bird cages holding make up, and bird cages perched (get it?) on the very top of my shelf too.

The bird cages in my bathroom started their lives in a craft supply store discount bin (and later I saw them at the old Inglewood Suzie Q Beads too, as part of their decorating scheme) and then they were spray painted silver, followed by a dusting of copper spray paint.  The result is something that feels vintage rather than metallic – like something that has started to tarnish rather than something new and shiny.  The copper warms up the silver too, which I really like.

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A (twisted) Mad Hatter’s Hat – Complete

A Mad Hatter style hat for a costume party

A Mad Hatter style hat for a costume party

Ages ago I posted the construction details for a Mad Hatter style hat for an event – however I ended up getting sick right before the event, and never finished off the last few details of the rest of the costume – and ended up not attending the event.  Continue reading

Dawn’s Corset Class – Boning basics

The completed lacing strip in my German renaissance bodice, sliding a piece of boning into the strip. This will support the lacing and keep the strip from buckling. It keeps tension more even.

The completed lacing strip in my German renaissance bodice, sliding a piece of boning into the strip. This will support the lacing and keep the strip from buckling. It keeps tension more even.

There are a number of different corset boning options you will have, each with benefits and problems.  I’ll try to go over some of them.  Most of these options include both high and low qualities, which can add some problems to a good compare/contrast. Ultimately, you may wish to do additional research to decide what boning you think is best for your needs.

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