2021 – year in review

Last year I summed up what I’d been up to in 2020, so now I’ll come back and do it once again for 2021.

For anyone who can see how frequently I posted, and what I posted about – you’ll know that it was not a particularly good year for me.  I have been struggling with a lot of things, including keeping up with my beginning -of-the-year creative intentions, my hopes, and my endless to-do list/wish list.

Lots of additional fabric courtesy masks

Pretty quick to make, necessary (since I’m still trying to change them every 30 minutes if I can – though work is much less accommodating than it used to be with adhering to Health Canada guidelines in this matter), and a good way to make a few bucks from my existing fabric stash – the most frequent item on my sewing table was fabric courtesy masks.

While I did post the photos to Instagram, I didn’t blog about them this year, since it was really just more-of-the-same from last year.

Some more hat & accessory projects

Easier to work on when my sewing area is a bit crowded, I also did a few more accessory projects like my Byzantine hat and cuffs, and a German Dockenbaret. As well as another German Dockenbaret, and a makeshift wulsthaube.

I tackled some UFOs

In my continuing attempt to clean up my sewing space to be able to work on NEW projects, I also pulled out a few old, unfinished projects, and worked on them as well. This included a red and gold sideless surcote, and an underbust vest.  Of course, there are still loads of UFOs (UnFinished prOjects) left to work on.

Trying to make my room a bit happier

Crafting projects were also on my radar this year, making a new drum shade for my pendant lamp, lots of painted frames, a portrait, a cup holder, tissue holder, a caldron, treasure chest, a linen blanket, and finishing a crafty UFO – tentacle candle holder. Still on my wish list is some new coordinating heavy window drapes, and another portrait… but we’ll see if I can find the time in 2022 to get to either!

Some bralettes & bikinis

Finally, since I was spending a lot more time more casually dressed than usual, I put together some summertime bralettes as well as some bikinis for lounging around – especially with how dreadfully hot some of our summer days were. Some of them I actually still need to blog about, but I already made posts for the bright floral bikini, and the polka dot bralette. Coming soon (or as soon as I get around to it!) I’ll also blog about a silver velvet bralette, a black wet-look bralette, a flame-print bralette, a purple paisley bikini, and a gold soft bra.

I had a lot of hopes…

Wearing my red and gold damask sideless surcoat

Wearing my red and gold damask sideless surcoat

…. for 2021, but with the pandemic still raging (I’m actually off work as I write this, waiting several days before I can get a Covid test after a confirmed exposure at work), and an emotional hit in early September that totally threw me off any game I might have had…  I feel much less optimistic right now.

I haven’t even logged in to see what the Historical Sew Monthly projects are for 2022, and don’t know if I will feel more optimistic later to try to tackle a few of them. (I’m not even going to pretend that I’ll be able to do all 12…)

But… I guess… stay tuned – and we’ll see what 2022 brings. Maybe more hope, more creativity, more motivation… and maybe – if I can stop sneezing so much – a once-again clean sewing room so I can actually get to work!




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